[Lazarus] Problem with access rights in Windows Mobile?

"ArĂ­ Ricardo Ody" aro52 at gmx.com
Wed Oct 26 02:03:18 CEST 2011

I wrote an application in Lazarus 0.9.30 with SQLite 3(I used only TSQLite3Dataset). Everything's fine 'till this morning. The application is written to run under WinCE arm devices.

 I wrote a method to archive the SQLite 3 database via TZipper. I reviewed the code logic dozen of times and it seems that there is no TSQLite3Dataset open. The code of my method is:

 procedure TfrmZiparBanco.spbtnZiparClick(Sender: TObject);
 var Zipper : TZipper;
 Zipper := TZipper.Create;
 Zipper.FileName := stxtZipFile.Caption;
 ShowMessageMobile(self,'before call');
 On e: Exception do
 ShowMessage('Error zipping file = ' + e.Message);
 end; // spbtnZiparClick 

 I saw the "before call" message and after I receive:

 Error zipping file = Unable to open file "\Storage Card\esteio0805.db"

 The Zip file(the archive) was created, but with 0(zero) bytes in length.

 I made a single program that call the same method but didn't use the database(no declare, nor Open/Close). In this case the execution of the method was successfull and the zip file was created(I tried to open it with 7zip and it opens ok).

 It seems to me, that there are some components of the database(or TSQLite3Dataset) that remain opened even if I hit the Close method. As I already said above I review the logic dozen of times and it seems that there is no TSQLite3Dataset instances opened. It seems that there something locking the database file access.

 The error reported occurs in the windows mobile emulator and in a HP iPAQ too.

 Is it possible?

 Greetings from sao Paulo - Brasil

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