[Lazarus] Codetools error?

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 21:36:20 CEST 2011


Just updated from 31810 to 33153, and now I have problems with codetools.

I use Find declaration (Ctrl+Click) to jump to a declaration, then I
use  "Find procedure method" (Ctrl+Shiff+Down) to jump to the mewthods
implementation. All is fine.

Now I try to jump back to the procedure definition "Find procedure
definition" (Ctrl+Shift+Up), and I get an error:
\lcl\controls.pp(25,14) Error: cursor pos outside of code

(This exact errormsg results from Ctrl+Click on RadioGroup1.SetFocus
-> Ctrl+Shift+Down -> Ctrl+Shift+Up)

It seems not to happen with my own sourcefiles and libraries, only lcl
units, and not witha all of them.

It seems to affect controls, dialogs, forms, graphics, stdctrls, extctrls.
It does not seem to affect sysutils, fileutils.

After the error, the cursor will be located at the unit declaration of
the unit involved (mentions in the errormsg), or at the bottom of this

Does anyone have the same problems?

B.t.w. the jump history seems to be working. I still can jump back
using Ctrl+H (using that as a workaround now).


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