[Lazarus] clDefault for TCustomControl

zeljko at holobit.net zeljko at holobit.net
Thu Oct 27 20:47:35 CEST 2011

Citiram cobines <cobines at gmail.com>:

> Hello.
> I have a TCustomControl for which I have set:
> ParentColor := False;
> Color := clDefault;
> On Linux/LCLGtk2 and Windows/LCLWin32 this results in clWindow color,
> but on Linux/LCLQt it is different, looks like clForm or clBackground.
> When I'm assigning Color:=clDefault I see that
> TControl.GetDefaultColor is called and the return value is clWindow.
> Shouldn't this mean that clDefault will always mean clWindow for this
> control? Is it normal that the widgetset may overwrite clDefault
> value?

If your controls is TCustomControl (then it's base is  
TQtCustomControl<-TQtAbstractScrollArea) then clDefault = clWindow, if  
it's not so then
something is wrong or your control Enabled = False.
Open an issue and attach example of your control.


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