[Lazarus] Lazarus not starts on Windows

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Sun Oct 30 01:13:25 CEST 2011

On 29/10/2011 19:44, silvioprog wrote:
> Hi,
> My English isn't very good to argue about this kind of bug. So I
> decided to record a video with step-by-step to reproduce the problem.
> Please, see:
> http://silvioprog.com.br/video/lazarus_bug/01.html

This bug occurs because wrong encoding while opening config files.

It was fixed to fpc 2.4.4 in revision 32773

> I downloaded this copy:
> ftp://ftp.hu.freepascal.org/pub/lazarus/snapshots/Lazarus-0.9.31-33143-fpc-2.7.1-20111029-win32.exe

It seems to occur with fpc 2.7.1

FPC 2.7.1 is unstable mostly due to changes in encoding and is not good 
idea to use with Lazarus (or at production at all).


1) stick with fpc 2.4.4 or 2.6 branch (highly suggested)
2) move your config files to a folder without accents and use 


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