[Lazarus] Database Library Issues

Terry A. Haimann terry at HaimannOnline.com
Wed Sep 14 17:36:57 CEST 2011

I have a Lazarus App which I use heavily that uses a MySQL Database.  I 
have an older 32 bit laptop (Running Fedora 12) that it still works on 
using Zeosdbo.  I would consider moving this over to Postgresql, but I 
am running up against the same problem there too.  Aparently, Lazarus is 
looking for libpq.so.4, while my implementations have libpq.so.5

Now I understand on the 32 bit version of Lazarus there is a 
TMysql51Conn in the SQLdb tab.  Is this compilable on 64 bit machines?  
What steps would I have to do to add it to my Lazarus (0.9.30) 

I saw a reference saying that by calling initialiseMysql, you could 
explicitly set what library to use.  But I couldn't find any 
documentation on how to do this.

Thanks in Advance,    TH

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