[Lazarus] Generating line info

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 19:43:15 CEST 2011


I noticed that in the linking tab, generating line info (-gl) is now
coupled with Generate debugging info for gdb (-g) and this defaults to
dwarf with sets.

Now when my app raises an exception I only get stack traces in this form:
TApplication.HandleException Stupid exception
  Stack trace:
  $004222D0 line 36 of main.pp
  $004E4F03 line 2286 of include/control.inc
  $004F960F line 62 of include/buttoncontrol.inc
  $004F9ADF line 174 of include/buttons.inc
  $004FA001 line 339 of include/buttons.inc
  $004F952A line 26 of include/buttoncontrol.inc
  $004DAED2 line 5243 of include/wincontrol.inc
  $0051B251 line 111 of lclmessageglue.pas
  $004BF780 line 2407 of win32/win32callback.inc
  $0051E198 line 375 of win32/win32wsforms.pp

In the past (when only using -gl in the linking tab) this looked
something like this:

TApplication.HandleException Stupid exception
  Stack trace:
  $004222D0 TFORM1__BUTTON1CLICK, line 36 of main.pp
  $004E4F03 TCONTROL__CLICK, line 2286 of include/control.inc
  $004F960F TBUTTONCONTRL__CLICK, line 62 of include/buttoncontrol.inc
  $004F9ADF TCUSTOMBUTTON__CLICK, line 174 of include/buttons.inc
  $004FA001 TBUTTON__CLICK, line 339 of include/buttons.inc
  $004DAED2 TWINCONTRL__WNDPROC, line 5243 of include/wincontrol.inc
  $0051B251 DELIVERMESSAGE, line 111 of lclmessageglue.pas
  $004BF780 WINDOWPROC, line 2407 of win32/win32callback.inc
  $0051E198 line 375 of win32/win32wsforms.pp

This form of stacktrace makes debugging so much easier then the one I
am getting now.

How can I get my stacktraces back to the style it was before?

(Lazarus 0.9.31 r32422 FPC 2.4.4 i386-win32-win32/win64)

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