[Lazarus] Lazarus Digest, Vol 44, Issue 106

dominique at savagesoftwaresolutions.com dominique at savagesoftwaresolutions.com
Tue Sep 27 12:25:03 CEST 2011

Hi Henry,
   Thanks for answering.

This is the ELF output running on the actual box...


There are 2 ELF outputs. The top one is the FreePascal one, while the 
bottom one is for mkdir.

We did notice that native exes list their OS as UNIX, while our exe 
lists it as ARM.

What are we doing wrong?

We did the cross-compilation build a month or so ago, so the details 
are a hazy at best.


On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:00:00 +0200, Henry Vermaak 
<henry.vermaak at gmail.com> wrote:
>  From this it looks like you're not using eabi.  How did you build 
> the
> compiler and which binutils did you use?
> Henry

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