[Lazarus] Another IDE strange behavior

Rafael Tuim Elias rafaeltuimelias at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 21:03:59 CEST 2011

Hi all

i found another strange behavior in Lazarus IDE.
To reproduce follow this steps.

1 - Create a new application
2 - Insert a DataModule in project (File -> New .....)
3 - In source editor, select the unit2 sheet (DataModule Unit)
4 - Minimize the source editor
5 - Click in Form1 area
6 - In component pallete select Standard/Button and try to put in Form1.

When i click in TButton component, it disapear, getting only DataModule
components (MainMenu, PopUpMenu, ActionList) in Standard Pallete.

I'm using Lazarus 0.9.31 + FPC 2.5.1 + Win32 from snapshots

best regards

Rafael Tuim
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