[Lazarus] ComboBox bug?

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Fri Sep 23 05:40:31 CEST 2011

Mattias Gaertner schrieb:

> procedure TCustomComboBox.UpdateSorted;
> var
>   lText: string;
>   lIndex: integer;
> begin
>   if HandleAllocated then
>     TWSCustomComboBoxClass(WidgetSetClass).Sort(Self, Items, FSorted)
>   else if FItems is TStringList then
>   begin
>     // remember text
>     lText := Text;
>     TStringList(FItems).Sorted := FSorted;
> When not FSorted then items are not sorted.

You're right.

But the following then is also evitable (but does no harm):

>     lIndex := FItems.IndexOf(lText);
>     if lIndex >= 0 then
>       ItemIndex := lIndex;

What if lIndex=-1?

>   end;
> end;

I stumbled across more such near-wrong code and comments, not worth bug 
reports (in customcombobox.inc):

line 55:
   if FSelStart <> FSelLength then
Why not: if FSelLength > 0?

line 183:
   Method: TCustomComboBox.DoChange
Not followed by DoChange - should be moved, removed or corrected

line 675:
   // ToDo
Looks like Done (in InitializeWnd)

line 737:
   function TCustomComboBox.GetDroppedDown: Boolean;
Should read "SetDroppedDown" - complete or remove

line 1064:
     Result := FReadOnly <> false;
Should read: Result := FReadOnly;

Another (general) one:

I found sometimes wrong descriptions for ...Length of strings, 
mentioning *byte* count instead of count in *logical* UTF-8 chars. How 
should such descriptions finally read?

1) Should a logical character count be implied, so that only really 
different (byte/AnsiChar) counts should be mentioned explicitly?

2) Should count in [logical?] [UTF-8?] characters be mentioned wherever 
applicable? [what about possible future change to Unicode/UTF-16?]


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