[Lazarus] Changes of make, part I

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Apr 10 22:25:54 CEST 2012

I updated and cleaned up the Makefiles of the Lazarus sources.

"make help"
prints all available targets. There are some more - internal ones -
which are not meant for direct use.

"make clean"
now cleans up all bigide components too. It cleans the
current widgetset (i.e. LCL_PLATFORM) *and* the nogui widgetset. It
does not clean up all ppu files, because that would break installations
where someone added his ppu files (e.g. the fpc installation).
Therefore it is still recommended to do "make clean" before
updating svn.
It keeps the executables, e.g. lazarus.exe,
lazbuild.exe, startlazarus.exe.

"make all"
It does the same as before, but with less overhead.
It is still the default target and still builds lazbuild,
startlazarus, common tools and the default IDE. It still builds the
needed packages as well. For example the LCL for the current widgetset
and the nogui widgetset.

"make bigide"
Same as "make all", but it builds an IDE with many extra packages. At
the moment about one fourth of all packages. This is the set of
packages the Lazarus developers recommend for the binary distributions
of Lazarus.

"make lazbuild"
This now builds all that is needed to build lazbuild. You don't need
anymore to build "tools" or the LCL before calling it. It is used by
"make all" and "make bigide".

The following are now sub targets, that do not work on their own, but
are used to build one part. Many require that another sub target was
called before:


See "make help" for details.


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