[Lazarus] Compiling Win 64 bit LCL only with 32 bit IDE+cross compiler
Reinier Olislagers
reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 12:28:07 CEST 2012
Hi list,
Triggered by Mattias' improvements in the make environment, I tried to
incorporate support in fpcup.
Goal: on Windows compile 32bit LCL+IDE; also compile 64 bit LCL with x64
cross compiler so users can immediately compile for x64 targets.
Method 1: originally I just did something like
make ide "CPU_TARGET=x86_64" "OS_TARGET=win64"
make ide
... which creates first a 64 bit LCL+IDE, then a 32 bit LCL+IDE... It
worked but was clunky.
Method 2: I had tried the "-C" "lcl/interfaces/win32" approach, but that
didn't work either.... probably because I needed to take the
dependencies into account
Method 3: I'm now trying someting like this:
make "CPU_TARGET=x86_64" "OS_TARGET=win64" "registration" "lazutils" "lcl"
...list of dependencies taken from
but I get
Compiling fcllaz.pas
Compiling registerfcl.pas
Compiling lazaruspackageintf.pas
PPU Loading
Recompiling ServiceManager, checksum changed for System
registerfcl.pas(43,3) Fatal: Can't find unit ServiceManager used by
Fatal: Compilation aborted
What would be the right way to achieve my goal?
Would it perhaps be possible to let make LCL automatically pull in its
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