[Lazarus] fpdocmanager questions & crash

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Fri Apr 6 02:22:18 CEST 2012

Reinier Olislagers schrieb:
> On 5-4-2012 14:21, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
>> Reinier Olislagers schrieb:
>>> Otherwise, you can test if it's in the compiler binary path, 
>>> <fpcdir>\bin\<architecture>, e.g. 
>>> c:\development\fpctrunk\bin\i386-win32\make.exe fpdoc is in
>>> <fpcdir>\utils\fpdoc\fpdoc.exe (or in the compiler binary path, see
>>> above)
>> All my FPC/Lazarus stuff resides on D:, not on C:.
> E.g. means exempli gratia, for example.
>> This doesn't help when the Path is not set up as required.
> If you don't have a make.exe in your path or fpc bin directory... well,
> you can always make the make path configurable for the user (instead of
> having him run make himself)...
> Alternatively, just tell the user to put make.exe in
> the bin dir.... should still be more user friendly than having him hunt
> down the proper path for make, start a console session, run make with
> that path and rtl.chk etc.
> Or tell users to set up the path as required before starting
> fpdocmanager... not my preferred solution but would be possible.

I leave it to the users, like you <g>, to send complaints to the FPC 
team, instead of implementing complicated and error prone workarounds 
for an obviously simple proper fix.

>> Again: feel free to provide an patch or a stand-alone tool, that
>> allows to create an fpdoc commandline or project for the RTL and FCL,
>> on every machine.
> No thanks, I think I'll stick with the existing fpdoc tools:
> 1. FPDocmanager is not cross platform
> 2. FPdocmanager requires manually setting unit paths and recompiling
> 3. As you mentioned, it doesn't support an FPCDocs directory separate
> from an FPC directory

Sorry, you have a very wrong picture of the FPDocManager :-(
None of the above is true, eventual restrictions (if ever) are imposed 
by fpdoc.

> Then why is fpdocmanager in Lazarus, not in FPC - I thought fpcdocs
> should be maintainable with FPC only without requirement for Lazarus,
> but I might be mistaken...

You can have a GUI, or use the FPC commandline procedures. LazDE also is 
a Lazarus tool for documentation writers.

> Do the current fpdoc toolset maintainers agree with FPDocmanager
> projects replacing makefiles?

You seem to miss that *fpdoc* introduced projects, the FPDocManager only 
*uses* that feature.

> And when will this replacement happen?

Don't ask me :-(

> I've been fighting with the existing fpdoc system, that's why I decided
> to try fpdocmanager... having an idea which way things will go will
> definitely help.

I've been fighting with the existing fpdoc system, too, that's why I 
decided to implement fpdocmanager. I can't help you if you don't like 
it, for reasons residing in fpdoc.


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