[Lazarus] Editor Toolbar as default package

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Apr 27 04:33:04 CEST 2012

On 27/04/2012 03:19, William Oliveira Ferreira wrote:
> I agree but who suggest a good default setting?
> 2012/4/26 Daniel Gaspary <dgaspary at gmail.com <mailto:dgaspary at gmail.com>>
>     Hi,
>      How about promote the Editor Toolbar package to the group of
>     installed by default?
Couple of points:

- some items that can be added, still have no icons

- if the package is added by default, it should register an option. So 
it can be hidden without recompile

- the config lists entries that are empty "source tab" > "pages" > 
"copy/Clone to other window" > CopyToOtherWindowSectionList
   Also duplicates (2 entries for new window)

  "SourceEditor > FirstDynamicSection"

>      The jump back/forward buttons at the toolbar are reasons enough
>     to me.

Mouse buttons 4 & 5
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