[Lazarus] build modes - I have an idea

patspiper patspiper at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 11:13:03 CEST 2012

On 30/04/12 02:02, Juha Manninen wrote:
> The GUI should indeed be more intuitive.
> It should indicate the build more setting is "above" all other 
> settings, affecting them all.
> Build mode modifier/override is a good idea, too, but requires (maybe 
> difficult) code changes.
True, but they are very flexible:
- They override the setting you need, and leave the other settings as 
per the default build mode
- No need to change a common setting in several places (paths, target 
filename, checks, etc...)
- You can mix build mode overrides, eg cross compilation and debug/release

example (bmo=build mode override):
- bmoLinux: Linux OS / GTK2 widgetset
- bmoWin32: Win32 OS / Win32 widgetset
- bmoWin64: Win64 OS / Win32 widgetset
- bmoWinCE: WinCE OS / WinCE widgetset
- bmoDebug: Debug mode
- bmoRelease: release mode

- Build mode Linux/Debug: bmoLinux + bmoDebug
- Build mode Linux/Release: bmoLinux + bmoRelease
The IDE toolbar will have the usual build mode dropdown button


- Build mode Target type = (bmoLinux, bmoWin32, bmoWin64, bmoWinCE)
- Build mode Usage type = (bmoDebug, bmoRelease)

Since there are 2 build mode types defined, there will be 2 dropdown 
buttons in the IDE toolbar to select/combine the Target and Usage types.

I don't see this implemented any time soon, but it is something to think 

> Bernd's change is mostly about GUI.


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