[Lazarus] Block indent config

Jürgen Hestermann juergen.hestermann at gmx.de
Tue Aug 7 17:12:21 CEST 2012

I have struggled with this already multiple times but it strikes me again and again:

After installing a fresh Lazarus build (I think that's the cause) suddenly
Ctrl+I (indent block) moves the block by 2 columns instead of 1 (which I
configured long ago). That makes it impossible to correct odd to
even columns and vice versa.

But even desperate searching through the options does not help
because all settings that I see are set to 1 (tab/spaces).
Can someone point me to the correct setting?

BTW: Why is the default setting for this other than 1?
It is very easy to indent by more than 1 by typing Ctrl+I/U
multiple times but it's a pain when having it set to 2 or more
because then you cannot have 1 directly but have to fight with the settings.

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