[Lazarus] Translations / Localizations for controls at design time

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 09:34:46 CEST 2012


On 1 August 2012 06:31, Jürgen Hestermann <juergen.hestermann at gmx.de> wrote:
> And how do you handle nesting of code and text as in:

I really don't see the problem. I have resource strings like that all
over the place. Even heard of the Format() function? Here are some
resource strings from my applications:


	uiLoggedInAs                = 'Logged in as: %s to %s';
	uiViewsFor                  = 'Views For "%s"';
	uiErrTheItemAlreadExists    = 'The item <%s> already exists.';
	uiErrBulkInvRatesEmpty      = 'It seems some of the Bulk Invoice
Rates items have zero amounts. This is not allowed. Please correct
this problem and try again.';
	uiErrXXXIsMissing           = '%s is missing';
	uiErrNoDefaultTaxRate       = 'No default Tax Rate has been set for
this centre. Please contact Head Office.';
	uiErrDBVersionMismatch      = 'This version of %s, v%d.%2.2d (%s %s), ' +
	                              'is not valid for the current database
version v%s. ' +
	                              'Please make sure you are running the
latest version of %s.';
	uiErrMissingDefaultPaths    = 'The Default Paths have not been set.
Do you want to set them now? $\n' +
	                              'Click Yes to set them now. If you
select No, you can set them $\n' +
	                              'later using the %s menu.';

I normally don't force line breaks in my resource strings. That's up
to the widget to word wrap them, and scale the UI. But I do have one
such case - see the last example. PO files/editors use the C-style
newline character to indicate a line break:  $\n

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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