[Lazarus] Inno Setup no longer supports Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 22:01:24 CEST 2012

On 2-8-2012 21:44, Bart wrote:
> On 8/2/12, Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislagers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it so strange to get rid of this platform that hasn't been supported
>> for ages?
> No, it is not.
> But we should formally announce that we are going to do so.
> Just a matter of being polite.
Totally agreed.

>> I have the feeling this platform is kept alive and supported just
>> because of 1 single person waging a succesful PR campaign ...
> [The following is not intended to hurt anyones feelings.
> Please note that I am not a native English speaking person and nuances
> tend to easily get lost in translation, especially when wriiten on
> fora or mailinglists]
Same here, no insults meant or implied.

> I do not campaign.
> If something breaks Win9x I try to fix.
> If it cannot be done (fixing it for win9x), so be it.

>> ... and nobody
>> dares to disagree.
> People (including in lazarus/fpc developers) tend to disagree with me
> many times, both in mailinglists, forum and bugtracker.
Yep. I think it's one of the charms of the FPC/Lazarus list that a lot
of the times we have violent or at least outpsoken disagreements yet
still have a lot of cooperation afterwards.

> Most of the times they have better arguments than I, or they are just
> plain right and I'm wrong.
> This may be the case with current subject also.
> As you have pointed out to all, I'm merely an amateur.
;) Heh. So am I ;)

> I know many contributers to Lazarus/Fpc are not.
> I don't mind that.
> If my contributions are accepted that's OK, if not, then probably I'm
> out of my depth, and I can accept that.
> It won't stop me from trying to contribute (just like you I suspect).
Yep, same here.

>> Is there anybody else that needs current Lazarus support for the Win9x
>> Windows architecture?
> I do not really think so.
> As I have stated over and over again: maintaining Win9x compatibility
> is a hobby of mine.
> No real development (of fpc/lazarus) should suffer from that.
> And I think it hasn't.
>> Of course, I'm just a (not so) humble contributor and can't shape
>> policy, so I'm just waging a PR campaign of my own.
> I'm just a humble contribitor too.
> And I must admit, some vanity comes into play also...
> I enjoy it when code of me ends up in Fpc or Lazarus.
Got you ;)

>> Thanks for listening - at least I got it off my chest,
> And so did I.
> Can I charge you for listening ;-) At least I can do that as a professional ;-))
Just send me the bill... I'll see what I can do with it ;)

> To get back on topic: should we elevate this discussion (stop support
> for the win9x platform) to the devel mailinglist and see what comes
> from that?
Fine by me!


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