[Lazarus] Please remove Arabic language from the release version

Maxim Ganetsky ganmax at narod.ru
Sat Aug 4 02:00:28 CEST 2012

04.08.2012 2:57, silvioprog пишет:
> Here in Brazil all programmers (yes, ALL) use Delphi in english.
> I think very strange the IDE capture the current language of operating
> system (portuguese) and uses it as default. x(

There is Brazilian Portuguese translation, which is well maintained and 
complete. Why do you use Portuguese one in Brazil? It is outdated copy 
of Brazilian Portuguese one anyway.

> This has hindered my support for Lazarus, because the users can't
> found the options (because all menus come in portuguese language). :(

Portuguese users can't read Portuguese, so they are even completely 
unable to find language switch? Interesting. :)

On a serious note:

You can use --language=en option to start with English interface. This 
choice will be remembered, so this is needed only once.

Maybe installer can be improved to ask preferred language.

> Another problem:
> http://imagebin.org/223226

See above.

> IDE in english as default plz! ¹ :)

Best regards,
  Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:ganmax at narod.ru

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