[Lazarus] Lazarus shortcuts conflict with windows shortcuts

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 03:06:01 CEST 2012

On 15-8-2012 14:20, Vincent Snijders wrote:
> 2012/8/15 Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de>:
>> On 15/08/2012 12:39, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
>>> But that's totaly confusing for users if they are asked to overwrite this.
>>> If it's a fallback then it should be overwritten silently in the same way
>>> that all other files are overwritten too.
>> I agree with that. I have no idea why it was originally set to ask.
> I guess I didn't want to overwrite an existing file without asking.
> http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&root=lazarus&revision=28087
> Maybe because it was at one time the primary config file, but probably
> not anymore at that time.
> Feel free to remove the question.
Please see patch in


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