[Lazarus] Merge setup dialog and options dialog?

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 16:24:56 CEST 2012

On 19-8-2012 16:12, Martin wrote:
> On 19/08/2012 14:48, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>> On 19-8-2012 15:40, Martin wrote:
>>> On 19/08/2012 14:24, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>> Let's agree to disagree ;)
> Maybe, but maybe not so fast. WE need at least to agree, what we
> disagree about.
That's always handy.. ;)

> If the setup is kept as it. That does not mean that the options can not
> be improved. They very much still should be improved.
> Only merging the setup into the options is not the way to go.
Disagreed ;)

> - Adding normal/advanced to the options is a good way.
Yes, that could be done.
> - Highlighting pages with errors is also a way (and not limited to the
> setup part)

> Adding a way (either in the menu, or button in the options) to re-run
> the setup is also an idea.
I'm neutral about this one.

> Also the installer should create a start-menu entry to  start Lazarus in
> setup mode. That will come, if language is added to setup. It allows to
> recover a screwed up config.
Yep, we talked about that. Agreed.

> For this one could also add, to reset al window positions to default, or
> reset the keymapping... though care must be taken not to add to many things
Do you mean via command line options? Or as a GUI option inside the
setup dialog?

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