[Lazarus] Delphi post-XE3 roadmap

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sun Aug 26 21:41:04 CEST 2012

On 26/08/12 20:23, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> Then you will also see that your Office counterexample is irrelevant,

If skinning is good enough for Microsoft itself, then it must be good 
enough for many other ISV's too. After all, they are just following 
Microsoft's example. But to get back to reality... Embarcadero is not to 
blame for the Metro skinning design, vs native Metro design. If you read 
the Embarcadero newsgroups, you would have seen that a top Embarcadero 
employee answered that question... With numerous attempts from 
Embarcadero, Microsoft kept stonewalling them and made it impossible for 
them to support native Metro. Skinning was their only alternative.

Well, based on Microsoft's own track record, Metro is the flavour of the 
month. Next month might be something else. It's easier to simply adapt 
your skinning code, than to redevelop your whole app for the next 
flavour of the month.


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