[Lazarus] Components dcu?

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Wed Aug 29 13:08:57 CEST 2012

On 08/29/2012 12:54 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> Do you mean "Runtime package" vs "Design time package"?
Yep. (I'm not very deep into Delphi and never did such a thingy, yet)
> > Of course this would be a nice addition to Lazarus, but it would 
> need to
> > support all available archs.
> It should be written with x-platform in mind. It does not need to be 
> supported on all available archs. If the first version only works on 
> one of the major platforms it would be good enough for me to extend 
> the IDE.
As you know I am always against tying functionality to GUI platforms. So 
I think this (if ever) should be implemented just based on the OS ("DLL" 
or "so", or whatever is provided on Mac and friends). Of course any 
supported  GUI framework ("platform") needs top get working on top of that.

Anyway you are right that if it's not available for some of the 
supported archs, it does not harm that much.

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