[Lazarus] lcl.chm+lhelp: index contains GetPart, Searching fails

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Aug 31 12:05:38 CEST 2012

Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislagers at gmail.com> hat am 31. August 2012 um 10:10
geschrieben:> Hi list,
> If I open lcl.chm (Laz 1.0 version) in trunk lhelp, I can type getpart
> in the index tab and find GetPart.
> However, searching in the Search tab for getpart or GetPart doesn't
> return any results.
> Is this expected?
> Some other things: on Windows (lhelp x86) I selected the line at the
> bottom of the page:
> The latest version of this page can be found at lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net
> Right-click, select Copy.
> Pasting did not give the selected text but the text that already was on
> the clipboard.
> Going through the lhelp code: the popup menu handler in lhelp does this:
> fHtml.CopyToClipboard; //fHtml is a TIpHtmlPanel
> ... which seems to indicate the entire page content is going to be
> copied (which it clearly isn't)
> If I hover the mouse over the hyperlink in that line, the cursor changes
> to a hand, suggesting clicking will open the hyperlink
> 1. with an external web browser or
> 2. inside lhelp
> Instead, nothing happens. I did see some messages scroll by on lhelp
> compilation indicating help for external sites could be enabled (and
> apparently isn't by default) - if this is the problem, showing that hand
> cursor when the option is disabled may be a bit misleading.
> Looking through the lhelp code, it appears this hand cursor
> functionality is provided by TIpHtmlPanel - couldn't see an obvious way
> of disabling that...
> Are these known bugs, should I report them - and how can I fix them?

Please report them.

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