[Lazarus] Arabic beta tester for SynEdit needed

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Dec 7 03:38:18 CET 2012

On Thu, 06 Dec 2012 22:53:12 +0000
Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de> wrote:

> A while ago, I started adding support for mixed LTR/RTL  text in SynEdit.


> I need feedback from people who actually speak (or at least read and 
> write) Arabic. I need to know, if the above situation is "useable".

Attached is a small example text and a screenshot showing, how Firefox
with font "serif"renders it, how synedit with "Courier New" renders it
and how synedit with "monospace" renders it.

Firefox and the "monospace" synedit shows only one
ligature (لإ), combined of the two codepoints alif إ and lam ل.
Firefox allows to select the two independently.

The "courier new" font shows another ligature: 
The يجا are three letters in "monospace", while with "courier new" it
shows the two rightmost combined as one.

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