[Lazarus] How to save compiled units for other programs to use?

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sat Dec 15 22:20:39 CET 2012

On 15.12.2012 21:03, Crone, Thomas J. wrote:
> I'm using Lazarus IDE v1.0.2 on Windows 7.
> With my old Delphi (v4), I'd compile a unit and copy the .dcu file to
> the Delphi lib folder so other programs with "USES unitname" would find it.
> I guess with Lazarus, I need to put the .ppu file somewhere? where?

You need the *.o, *.ppu (and maybe also *.rst files) and also eventual 
*.lfm files. You need to copy them to a directory and then add a search 
path to that directory.

Better yet: make use of Lazarus packages. That's what they are there for 
(and no, you don't need to install them in the IDE for this). For more 
information see here: http://wiki.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Packages


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