[Lazarus] Making a form read-only

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Thu Dec 27 13:12:19 CET 2012

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

> So if you tell the IDE to open a form as text (.lfm) and mark that r/o, 
> close the graphical representation and update the .pas then the .lfm 
> doesn't get LCLVersion stuffed into it. But if you close the IDE and 
> then restart it, you've got the form both as a text and a graphic 
> representation: under this condition if you update the .pas the .lfm is 
> also updated, even though in its text representation it's still marked r/o.

Explicitly, when the IDE finds an open .pas at startup it opens the 
corresponding form as a graphic even if it wasn't open when the IDE was 
last shut down, and even if the text representation of the .lfm is open. 
I think this is the root of my original complaint, plus there's no r/o 
property on the graphical representation of a form, and it doesn't 
inherit r/o from a text representation.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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