[Lazarus] installing chm help

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Tue Feb 14 19:33:49 CET 2012

ok, i decided to go back and retry this all over again... i'm following the 
instructions in the wiki as linked to by the default Help->Online Help page...


Installing CHM Help for The RTL, FCL and LCL in the Lazarus IDE
If you are using Lazarus from Subversion

The Lazarus help files can be installed following this easy steps:

1) Make sure that the package chmhelppkg is intalled. See the menu 
Package->Install Packages. This package is installed by default in the "bigide" 
so most users should already have it installed.

2) Open the project lazarus/components/chmhelp/lhelp/lhelp.lpi

3) Build this project

4) Download the latest stable Lazarus CHM help files from 

5) Copy all CHM files to lazarus/docs/html

Now context sensitive help using F1 should already be working.

i don't recall how my initial lazarus was built from svn... i do not believe it 
was with "bigide", though... as such, i did not have this chmhelppkg 
installed... so, by the numbers...

1. install chmhelppkg in the ide packages interface. save and rebuild the ide... 

2. opened the project specified

3. built it with SHIFT-F9

4. pulled a chm tar.bz2 file

5. extracted three chm files to my freepascal/laz/docs/html

placed the cursor on a pascal keyword (ie: implementation in the currently 
opened file from when i opened the lhelp.lpi), pressed F1 and... no help :(

so... alright... i don't recall everything else that was done but i do recall a 
help path in the ide options... hummm... why is it set to C:\lazarus\docs\html?? 
that directory has not existed on this machine in a very long time... definitely 
not since i started using the wiki documented method for updating from SVN at 
which time i deleted everything related to fpc and lazarus... so i change the 
path to C:\freepascal\laz\docs\html and exit the options dialog via 'ok'... 
cursor is still on implementation so hit F1 again... same as before... no 
help... try other keywords with same results...

the results are that i get two windows... the first one says "Help keyword 
FPCKeyword_implementation not found" and the only option is the [Cancel] 
button... the next window then says "No help found for 
C:\freepascal\laz\components\chmhelp\lhelp\httpcontentprovider.pas" (38,7)...

so why isn't this working??? what is the key step that has been left out of the 

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