[Lazarus] fpcup: failure compiling Lazarus with FPC fixes_2.6 on OSX 10.7 x64, works with x86

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 21:30:13 CET 2012

Hi list,

Working on my fpcup installer, I tried it on OSX.

We're trying to set up a Lazarus/FPC combo that's independent of any
already installed fpc/Lazarus installs.

To ignore any existing system wide fpc.cfg, we use a proxy for fpc:
cat /Users/reinier/fpc/bin/fpc.sh
# This script starts the fpc compiler installed by fpcup
# and ignores any system-wide fpc.cfg files
# Note: maintained by fpcup; do not edit directly, your edits will be lost.
/Users/reinier/fpc/bin/fpc  -n @/Users/reinier/fpc/bin/fpc.cfg
-Xp/Users/reinier/fpc/compiler/ $*

The compiler is fixes_2.6, downloaded from SVN:
/Users/reinier/fpc/bin/fpc.sh -i
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.1

Compiler Date      : 2012/02/14
Compiler CPU Target: x86_64

make all (and some other things):
make FPC=/Users/reinier/fpc/bin/fpc.sh
--directory=/Users/reinier/lazarus FPCDIR=/Users/reinier/fpc/
UPXPROG=echo COPYTREE=echo clean all
(full log attached)
Compiling ./objc/lobjc.pas
Assembling (pipe) ../../units/x86_64-darwin/carbon/lobjc.s
NSValue.inc(317,13) Error: Illegal type conversion: "Pobjc_object" to
NSValue.inc(327,13) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is
not portable
foundation.pas(31) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

I suspect it's an error compiling carbon which IIRC, could/is/may not be
supported on 64 bit?!?

(running plain make, using system wide 32 bit fpc, does run, so it could
very well the 64 bit compiler that's the problem here - or the way I'm
abusing make and fpc in fpcup...)

Am I right? Should I switch off carbon compiling in some way? Or is it
more likely the problem is in my downloader/installer program?

The wiki pages
suggests doing make should just work though...

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