[Lazarus] Fastest way to draw TFPMemoryImage

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 18:23:58 CET 2012

2012/2/4  <dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl>:
> Unfortunately yes. I use a TFPMemoryImage descendant as internal
> datastructure in my application. Alternatively I could use OpenGL context to
> draw the images (thumbnails), but I would prefer TCanvas if possible. For
> now I'm just copying the data over to a bitmap, but this is of course far
> from ideal.

How are you doing the copy of the data to a TBitmap? This step is
necessary anyway, but you cannot do it reliably in all supported
platform without TLazIntfImage.

TLazIntfImage+RawImage does the same job as TFPMemoryImage, they even
come from the same base class:

TLazIntfImage = class(TFPCustomImage)

So I bet you could use that internally instead of TFPMemoryImage. And
then you get better LCL integration.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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