[Lazarus] Extending FCL documentation

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 15:37:54 CET 2012

On 8 February 2012 14:51, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho  wrote:
>>  * Is offline help an option. If not - ignore everything I posted today
> It is mandatory, and surely a priority for 1.0 to fix this.

So then your previous reply to me simply adds to the
problem....suggesting that the wiki must be used for documentation.
The wiki help content is locked in a wiki database nobody can access
or export. It is also in a format nobody can read. And lastly NOT
available offline.

> 1> Add chm building in the release build process for each platform
> (deb, rpm, windows, mac, etc)
> or
> 2> Put some latest pre-compiled chm in our svn. They will be
> automatically put into the rpm/deb/etc because those include the
> Lazarus source.

So does that mean the Lazarus Team has finally made a decision on what
help format and viewer to officially use with Lazarus? Thus using CHM
help as the default help format for Lazarus IDE and Lazarus LCL, and
LHelp as the viewer?

Maybe an official email stating that users should stop adding help to
the Wiki and rather start editing the "raw" CHM help content. Sorry
for my ignorance, but like you have *.tex files for LaTeX, xml for
fpdoc, *.ipf for INF help.... what is the documentation source files
for CHM?

Also what Linux/Windows/MacOSX CHM help source editors exist so the
BIG port from Wiki-to-CHM can begin?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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