[Lazarus] Fast drawing to canvas

Brett Hunter brett at getdata.com
Thu Feb 9 03:33:46 CET 2012

I seem to remember some code that was in the NativeJPG examples that loaded
the file into a TMemoryStream first, then did a LoadfromSteam instead of a
LoadfromFile.  It might be that the loadfromfile (or in your case
LoadFromRawImage) is slower than a
TMemorysteam.loadfromfile+Image.LoadfromStream.  I admit I have never tried
as I have never needed it, but it might help.  Please let us know if there
is a speed improvement.

-----Original Message-----
From: Darius Blaszyk [mailto:dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl] 
Sent: Thursday, 9 February 2012 11:52 AM
To: Lazarus mailing list
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Fast drawing to canvas

Despite all the advices, none of the suggestions of drawing on a TPaintBox
or creating a TCustomControl actually speed up the painting significantly.
Therefore I did some profiling. It appears that loading a 40kb png file (50%
HD) from a stream takes about 60msec another 30msec is used to paint the
bitmap to screen. It all results in approx. 11fps which is actually pretty
poor when you imagine a full HD loop will make the rate drop 2.5fps. 

As I see it now, I will need to lower the access time to the png's from
disk. I will do a test with storing only raw pixel data instead. This means
that there will be no conversion (or decompression in the case of PNG) when
streaming from disk. However, although the minor part of the total loop, I
was hoping to improve the painting speed significantly as well. Hopefully
someone else has an idea that works.
Is there a way to access even lower level functions from LCL? Like GDI and
GTK2 functions to copy the pixel data as fast as possible?

Appreciate the help from everybody so far.

Regards, Darius

On Feb 8, 2012, at 5:12 PM, Sven Barth wrote:

> Am 08.02.2012 16:02, schrieb dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl:
>> I have played with Image.Update, .Invalidate and .Repaint, but none 
>> of them seem to work for me. Only when I put 
>> Application.ProcessMessages the painted images show on screen. See 
>> below for the testloop code. The images are streamed from a file 
>> cache. For 24 frames this seems overkill, but running at 24fps the 
>> memeory requirements quickly get very large!
>> Image.Transparent is also set to false btw, which is default. 
>> Otherwise the drawing on the canvas is even messed up.
>> Regards, Darius
>> procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var
>> s: TDateTime;
>> i: Integer;
>> begin
>> s := now;
>> for i := 1 to 24 do
>> begin
>> if filecache_get_from_cache(i, png) then begin 
>> Image1.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromRawImage(png.RawImage, False); 
>> Application.ProcessMessages; end; end;
>> ShowMessage(FloatToStr(24 / ((now - s) * 24 * 3600))) end;
> Here it is clear that you need to use Application.ProcessMessages, because
"LoadFromRawImage" will only tell the control that it needs to repaint
itself, but does not execute this repainting (this is done in
Application.ProcessMessages). In the example you posted in the beginning the
call to Application.ProcessMessages is located inside the OnPaint handler of
the Image which is - in my opinion - not good. Maybe also the loading of the
image inside the OnPaint handler is not good...
> Maybe you should try - like Felipe suggested - something else than TImage.
Try for example TPaintBox in combination with the Application.OnIdle event:
> procedure TForm1.ApplicationOnIdle(aSender: TObject; var aDone: 
> Boolean); begin  LoadNextImageFromCache; // this will load the next 
> image into some private variable of the form (let's call it fImage). 
> [this is based on your filecache_get_from_cache any you'll need to 
> write it of course ;) ]  PaintBox1.Invalidate;  aDone := False; //
> end;
> procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(aSender: TObject); begin  
> PaintBox1.Canvas.Draw(fImage); // or however you'll get the content of 
> the fImage onto the canvas of the PaintBox end;
> Note: Don't forget to assign your ApplicationOnIdle to Application.OnIdle
or use the ApplicationProperties component located in the Additional tab.
> Regards,
> Sven
> --
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