[Lazarus] fpdoc + XML description file + indentation whitespace

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 12:35:22 CET 2012

On 9-2-2012 12:18, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 9 February 2012 09:23, Hans-Peter Diettrich  wrote:
>> A simple modification could help:
>> Let all preformatted text start on a new line, not directly after <pre> or
>> <code>. The document generators can remove that additional line ending, if
>> required.
> I think that is wrong!  Maybe the help author wanted (or didn't want)
> a blank line to be the first line. Also doing what you say means that
> fpdoc must be modified because of FPDoc Editor? So what happens if we
> use another xml editor - modify fpdoc yet again?

I agree with Graeme, but even more with Mattias' earlier post.
As Mattias mentioned, apparently the XML standard says that whitespace
can be ignored.

I suggest that we follow Mattias' advice and find a way to preserve
whitespace the author wants displayed in the output while being XML

Example of xml:space="preserve":

> I say abandon indentation of fpdoc XML files completely!
That might be a solution but would not be very robust if some
tool/author takes it upon himself (or erroneously introduces) whitespace

Also, it would not be clear that the FPDoc formats depends on whitespace
for its output, and would thus contravene XML standards, and hinder use
of tools that can work with standard XML to import/export FPDoc files.


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