[Lazarus] fpdoc + XML description file + indentation whitespace

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 13:14:01 CET 2012

On 9 February 2012 13:48, Hans-Peter Diettrich  wrote:
> Empty lines can be added at will:
>    <pre> <!-- this line does not generate any text -->
> Here is the text.
>    Here is some indented text.
>    </pre>

Dodi, I expected more from you. :)  You just made one big rookie
mistake. You "assumed" that _only HTML output_ is going to be
generated.  It's a big known NO-NO, to add HTML specific tags and
content in the fpdoc XML.  That line will be printed as-is in Latex,
TXT, RTF, IPF, MAN etc output formats.

Read chapter 4 of the FPDoc Users Guide. Don't confuse the similarity
of fpdoc tags with those of HTML.

  - Graeme -

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