[Lazarus] IDE Main Window: height is too small and cannot resize (Linux/GTK2)

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Sat Feb 11 15:10:25 CET 2012

On Saturday 11 of February 2012 12:46:48 Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> zeljko schrieb:
> > Have you tried with LCLIntf.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUSIZE) ?
> > 
> > I guess it'll return something under win32, but it's not implemented for
> > others yet (I guess it shouldn't be too hard to implement it)
> Ah, that nasty difference between outer (form bounds) and inner (client
> area) sizes, which was never solved for non-Windows platforms :-(

for non-Windows ? Are you saying that under lclwin32 Form.Width <> 
Form.ClientWidth ?

> It's hard to believe that there exist reasonable widgetsets *without* a
> feature to map a fixed client size into the according window size.

Believe or not under X11 such results are unpredictible while created window 
isn't visible (mapped) yet. Event freedesktop standards give warnings about it 
- since WM handles frame extents (borders, title bar) and it's up to wm when 
we will get it - so you are NEVER 100% sure that eg. QWidget_frameGeometry() 
includes decorations from WM (title and borders) ...


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