[Lazarus] IDE Main Window: height is too small and cannot resize (Linux/GTK2)

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Feb 13 15:38:04 CET 2012

Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com> hat am 13. Februar 2012 um
14:47 geschrieben:

> Then I wonder why it doesn't work properly with the IDE main window. A
> fixed maximal client height is nonsense, because it disallows the user
> to enlarge the window when needed. According to the documenation,
> AutoSize would be the right choice instead.

The main bar has some specials: It is the first form (the splash window
does not count), it has the main menu, it has a pagecontrol with some
registered items, it's height is small, it has a special behavior on
maximized and all this has a slightly different meaning when docked.
All this must work on a platform before autosize can be used.

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