[Lazarus] Why the Java became so strong?

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Mon Feb 13 20:15:28 CET 2012

Sven Barth wrote:
> On 13.02.2012 17:55, Everton Vieira wrote:
>> But JuhaManninen had said so goodly:
>> "
>> The fact is that FPC / Lazarus is an almost unknown niche language /
>> environment. I am studying information technology and programming in a
>> university of applied sciences and there nobody knows about FPC or
>> Lazarus, not even the teachers. Everybody knows about C, C++, Java,
>> Eclipse, .NET, C#, PHP, Python, sh scripts, Lisp, even Haskell, but not
>> about FPC or Lazarus.
>> If those people don't know, it means nobody knows.

Apologies for my poor threading, but some messages fail to get through 
our mailing list gateway.

Having spent time selling and supporting languages, as well as having 
done a university job, I have to point out that you're not "comparing 
like with like" here. If you'd asked them about /Pascal/, rather than 
one specific implementation, they'd almost certainly have had something 
(of dubious accuracy) to say about it; if you'd asked about a specific 
obscure implementation of C or C++ (anybody remember AD2500? or 
Zorland?) they'd have been completely nonplussed.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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