[Lazarus] Looking for a general text editor

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 20:41:51 CET 2012

On 2/16/12, Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1)  The "File > Open" and the "File > Open Template" dialogs have
> Dutch text in the file filter comboboxes.

Post a list of remaining Dutch strings and I'll translate them for you.

> 2) The File menu has 6 empty menu items. I presume they are place
> holders for "most recently used files".

Yes, they are.

> Normally you wouldn't display
> them, if they have never been used.

The OnMruListChange event handler should take care of that (and does in my app).
These menu-items are made (in)visible at runtime, depending on the
Count of the MRU-list.

In procedure SetUpAndConfigureEPlus (the original name), which is
called in FormCreate, there is/should be a call to OnMruListChange to
ensure it is properly initilized.

I can see that my MruList has been replaced by a TStringList, and that
will cause other errors in the program too.

Why not simply use my MruList unit
(http://home.tiscali.nl/~knmg0017/software/fpc_laz/mrulists.zip) as
There is a reason for it's existence.
For instance you cannot add the same file twice, but if you try the
second time, it will be moved to be the first entry.
If you want you can strip all the unneeded code from that unit.


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