[Lazarus] Android Target GUI

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 17 10:09:37 CET 2012

Am 17.02.2012 08:24, schrieb Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho:
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 5:59 AM, Marc Santhoff<M.Santhoff at web.de>  wrote:
>> I have pretty much no idea of the Android SDK or things, but I
>> understand that this target involves compiling the code to Java byte
>> code.
> Android can run native code too, it runs Linux shared objects. Lazarus
> for Android compiles the project as a Linux shared object which is
> exactly what many large and successful Android applications do and it
> does not use the FPC compiler support for Java. I doubt that the Java
> backend would ever support building all the necessary libraries which
> the LCL uses or the LCL itself, for example due to the lack of
> pointers. Also if that was the case then no 3rd party libraries would
> work at all, like LNet. Basically I doubt that there can be any
> significant sharing of code here. Also when I started the Java backend
> didn't exist.

Though this doesn't invalidate most of your other reasons, but the JVM 
port DOES support pointers (more or less). See here: 


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