[Lazarus] I made a visualization of the Lazarus SVN repository

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 18:41:09 CET 2012

2012/2/16, Everton Vieira <tonvieira at gmail.com>:
> Look who does the things around here are a bunch of heroes.
> We have to increase this number. Making easy and secure is the way.

Everton, start providing patches. It is easy and secure! :)

Bernd, how long you think the animation is kept in the Vimeo site?
It would be nice to have a similar animation from a longer period of
time, saved in place where it will stay for reasonably long, and
provide a link in Wiki pages.

There are amazing pieces of SW out there, like this "gource", which
most people don't know about. I didn't know about it before this


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