[Lazarus] Looking for a general text editor

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 12:45:54 CET 2012

On 2/17/12, Darius Blaszyk <dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl> wrote:

>>> If it is portable it should be fine
>> It should be, this is the uses clause:
>> uses
>>  SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Registry, IniFiles, FileUtil;

> It won't be. Registry is windows only. Why not implement something yourself
> based on an XML file? Should be trivial. Here's some inspiration:
> http://www.angusj.com/delphi/mruunit.html

No, the registry unit is not Windows only.
Anyway the editor does not use the functionality to use the registry.
I can stripp all this (and more unused things) from the unit.

The whole program uses a ini file so it makes no sense to rewrite the
MeuLists unit to use xml.


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