[Lazarus] Can't compile trunk with fpc 2.4.5 under ubuntu

Martin Schreiber mse00000 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 06:50:38 CET 2012

On Sunday, 26. February 2012 19.38:39 Marco van de Voort wrote:
> >
> > How does the memory release work? With tbookmarkstr it was done
> > automatically by the compiler.
> TDataset.freerecord. That Delphi compatible though in current delphi's that
> is probably empty, since tbookmark is tbytes there.
There is no TDataset.freerecord() procedure in FPC trunk  AFAIK.

Please add TDataset.BookmarkStr property:
    property BookmarkStr: TBookmarkStr read GetBookmarkStr write 
so in user code we can have a bookmark type with automatic memory management.

Thanks, Martin

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