[Lazarus] Why the Java became so strong?

William Oliveira Ferreira bdexterholland at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 17:25:07 CET 2012

sometimes all lazarus' users wanna see core team do something that
themselves can

writing a basic article of how to compile a basic application, how compiler
directives affects the way fpc manage pointers, place side-by-side a delphi
and a lazarus project for beginners is easy and it's not necessary to get
deep on the subject because it's designed for beginners
William de Oliveira Ferreira
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação

2012/2/28 Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de>

> Am Dienstag, den 28.02.2012, 16:01 +0100 schrieb Hans-Peter Diettrich:
> > William Oliveira Ferreira schrieb:
> > > Well, i think all pascal developers should do something about it and,
> > > all the fpc/lazarus team is doing a wonderfull work!
> >
> > +-1
> >
> > Yes, much time is spent on the *code*, on mass instead of quality.
> > No, the *documentation* is in an horrible state.
> >From my view this is not absolutely true. There in fact is a lot of
> documentation, but it's often a problem to find it. Most things are
> already available in the wiki or the generated docs.
> > Every possible user will need some documentation, before he starts to
> > write code. As he doesn't find such documentation, he'll never start
> > using Lazarus.
> If asked I'd suggest:
> There could be some overview pages (made manually or by scripting)
> handling special information requests. One, imho the first of those
> pages would be an information page for beginners.
> Like often seen on development project pages, one of the most visible
> things is an index page having a small selction of the most searched
> pages, titles may be "getting started", "help in development", and so
> on.
> Lazarus has no beginners page at all (checked quickly this moment, not
> speaking about fpc).
> --
> Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de>
> --
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