[Lazarus] Project management

Rich Saunders saunders.richard.p at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 21:04:58 CET 2012

On 2/28/12 2:53 PM, Juha Manninen wrote:
> 2012/2/28 Everton Vieira <tonvieira at gmail.com
> <mailto:tonvieira at gmail.com>>
>     I'll try once more to tell on what i'm refering: "project
>     managemant of the development". All that i have to say about it is
>     in that. Who some day had worked with project management and has
>     the insight of how could be done in the open source enviroment
>     knows on what i'm talking about it.
> Ok, we need more concrete plans. I promise to look carefully the
> issues of project management if you have good ideas.
As a newcomer I would like to see on the web site a team organization
chart. The current contributors would appear in the roles they currently
play. Open positions would be identified with links to pages where you
can find out more about what is involved in those positions.

Also included would be people who regularly contribute to the mailing
lists and a short description about who they are, where they live, etc.

All this enables people to get the "lay of the land". It really helps
you establish a context when you read someone's message on a mailing
list to go see what their role is in the project.

These are not project management ideas such as how to better manage the
activity of the project. They are project management ideas to help
organize the material of the project so it is more transparent - what is
happening and who is doing what. It is important because as a newcomer
you need to get a good sense of this before you can figure out where you
want to plug yourself in.

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