[Lazarus] Project management

Everton Vieira tonvieira at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 21:18:40 CET 2012

About the project management is something like the bug tracker but not for
bugs. With all that richness that has a project management: projects,
teams, head members, status of it, code already done, code to be
done, ideas about it, discussions on, notes from everyone, and so on.

2012/2/28 Juha Manninen <juha.manninen62 at gmail.com>

> I create a new thread because this is not related to the original "Why
> Java got popular" thread...
> 2012/2/28 Everton Vieira <tonvieira at gmail.com>
>> I'll try once more to tell on what i'm refering: "project managemant of
>> the development". All that i have to say about it is in that. Who some day
>> had worked with project management and has the insight of how could be done
>> in the open source enviroment knows on what i'm talking about it.
> Ok, we need more concrete plans. I promise to look carefully the issues of
> project management if you have good ideas.
> Do you mean that the core team should divide the tasks for contributors?
> Please explain more.
> Improving the documentation is now a "hot topic". I think more people
> should get write access to the doc directory in the repository, if only
> there are people willing to take the effort.
> While improving project management is a good idea, I still strongly feel
> that most of criticism is not fair or truthful. In fact all questions are
> answered in mailing list and forum, IMO better than with many other open
> source projects.
> The classic whining about the revision control and bug tracking is quite
> nonsense. It is typically from people who have never contributed code for
> the project.
> Still, I will have an open mind for ideas of better project management.
> Juha
> --
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Everton Vieira.
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