[Lazarus] Missing Documentation

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 29 12:30:23 CET 2012

Am 29.02.2012 12:25, schrieb Michael Schnell:
> On 02/29/2012 11:33 AM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> Is the wiki supposed to be the upcoming help source, thus invalidating
>> FPDoc and friends ?
>> Are you kidding?
>> fpdoc is great.
> There only can be a single source for the help so either FPDoc or
> directly managing the Wiki kontent "is great" not both.

No, as I wrote the two are the source for two different kinds of help.

>> There are many possibilities. Abandoning fpdoc is none of them.
> If you say so a will not disagree at all.
>>> Re Wiki:
>>> Up til now I did not know that the Wiki is even considered as the main
>>> help content source, so why do any modifications there which will die
>>> quite soon ?
>> You must be kidding.
> It dies at least as soon as somebody generates / uses offline help files.

It won't, because the Wiki is the source for this kind of help and where 
editing takes place.

>> Showing is simple: Just move the mouse over an identifier.
>> About destroying: You apparently have not tried it.
> I talked about showing / seeing my modifications.

The IDE parses the XML files. So as long as you did not move the edited 
file out of it's original location the IDE will display you your 
modified help.

> I will not ever try to do any modifications unless I am able to see the
> result "life". And I did invest a decent amount of time trying to
> generate offline help from the svn sources and failed multiple times (in
> action with DocView, even trying to find out how this should be done
> with CHM.)
> Supposedly I am just too stupid for this task :(


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