[Lazarus] Missing Documentation

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at web.de
Wed Feb 29 17:59:21 CET 2012

Am Mittwoch, den 29.02.2012, 15:45 +0200 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> On 29 February 2012 15:36, Michael Schnell  wrote:

> [ I apologise if I sound frustrated with you, but it probably is because I am. ]


> * fpdoc is well documented. So usage should not be a problem.
> * LCL, fpGUI etc all come with easy scripts to generate the class documentation
>    in various formats.
> * RTL, LCL docs come as pre-built binary help for your convenience, but you can
>   build them yourself too. That too is documented.
> * Docview (binary release download) includes the docview.inf help
> file, describing in
>   detail every feature of docview (thus help on help). It even
> includes a section called
>   "For Authors and Developers", where it again explains in detail how
> to use the IPF
>   Compiler to compile your IPF help source into binary INF help files.

Hm, for me it looks like it is. And I'm not a total newbie.

The only type of project management stuff needed is some quickly
understandable documentation about the processes that are used.

Developers of ölazarus do know, they use it. For me as a user of
lazarus, using it to make progrms and source libraries, it is pretty
confusing to follow the threads about these non documented workflows.

Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de>

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