[Lazarus] LazReport & Database

Koenraad Lelong lazarus1 at de-brouwerij.be
Thu Jan 5 16:09:20 CET 2012


I was wondering if I found a bug in LazReport.
Like always, I put my database-components in a datamodule. Then I placed 
a frReport on a visible form. I started editing the report and I tried 
to place some database-fields on the report. Unfortunately, there were 
no fields available to place.

After experimenting for some time I found I had to place the dataset (or 
query) on the same form as the report. Then I can place database-fields 
on the report.

This is all at design-time. I didn't try this at run-time.

Is this an error or is this expected behaviour ?


Koenraad Lelong.

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