[Lazarus] Can't rebuild lazarus on linux

Krzysztof dibo20 at wp.pl
Sat Jan 7 17:56:56 CET 2012


I have clean installation of stable lazarus with FPC 2.4.4
from ubuntu repository. I can install components, but I changed
something in lazarus source and want rebuild it. So I click on "Tools
-> Build lazarus with profile: Build All" and then popup window appear
with error:

    Unable to find file "dividerbevel.pas".
    If it belongs to your project, check search path in
    Project->Compiler Options...->Search Paths->Other Unit Files. If
this file belongs to a package, check the appropriate package compiler
options. If this file belongs to lazarus, make sure compiling clean.
If the file belongs to FPC then check fpc.cfg. If unsure, check
Project -> CompilerOptions ... -> Test


    dividerbevel.pas(58,38) Fatal: Can't find unit DividerBevel used
by BuildLazDialog

After this I can't install new components anymore (this same problem appear).
I have full permissions too /usr/lib/lazarus


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