[Lazarus] Custom OS/CPU targets for FPC - build help

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Tue Jan 3 16:26:35 CET 2012

On Tuesday 03 of January 2012 15:55:58 David Unric wrote:
> I'd like to ask somebody to shed some light on this subjects:
> 1) why supplying target OS option (-T) fails ? If I'd like to build win64
> exe on win32 system have I pass CPU Target and fpc "automagically" selects
> appropriate OS Target ?

You don't need anything to pass to fpc, lazarus can do that via project 
options (compiler options), you can set various build modes there.

> 2) How to tweak Lazarus so I can simply switch between win32/win64 targets
> ?

You have project build modes ... it's easy to switch.

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