[Lazarus] Libc functions and types

Udav udav_kaa at bk.ru
Wed Jan 18 07:10:23 CET 2012

Marco van de Voort wrote
> There is no Embarcadero Radstudio that supports Linux. In ancient times
> there was Kylix, but it was buried. A part of it escaped, called unit
> libc,
> but we finally caught up with it, and now it is dead and buried too.
They have MacOSX support in XE2 and surely will do Linux in the next

Craig Peterson wrote
> If you don't want people using that header you really should provide a
> better
> alternative than just making everyone redeclare everything in their own
> units.
Absolutely! And if one just try searching through FPC RTL files for "tm"
record he'll find it is declared about 8 times in various units.

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